Ambico Offshore Sdn. Bhd.,
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a technology that has made a huge impact to the green energy market helping to produce bio-methane gas. AOSB offers a fantastic pre-treatment solution to further unlock the potential of this industry.
Biogas Plant Technology
- Biogas is permanently available, transportable, and storable regardless of weather or season, and can, therefore, be used flexibly — for local or regional energy supply and as an energy source in the mobility sector. In its production, it is emission-neutral and avoids climate-damaging methane emissions from landfills.
Advantages Biogas Plant Technology - High Performance Anaerobic Technology (AD)
- Use organic waste, fibre and cellulose rich feedstock like gras, straw, palm oil production residues, etc.
- Low labour and operating costs - Plant is fully automated SCADA Control & Remote monitoring
- Low maintenance, wear and tear on plant components
- Low water consumption and therefore suitable for dry and arid regions around the world
- The cycle closes when the organic residue, the digestate, is returned to the soil with the nutrients it contains as a potent fertilizer with high humus content after fermentation.
- AD Biogas technology helps to harness maximum energy potential from waste
- Reduces waste management cost - Zero emission & Small footprint
- Enable companies to purchase renewable power in a transparent and credible way
MSW Power / WTE Plant - Bottom Ash Treatment
- The bottom Ash produced by Power / WTE plant is around 20% of the MSW volume, landfill those bottom ash will occupy large amount of land and can cause environment pollution problem.
- A Bottom Ash treatment plant can separate around 98% of metal from bottom ash, others of bottom ash will be separated into sand, mud and glass.
- Metal and glass can be recycled, sand and mud can be used as base material for road and park construction. In conclusion, all bottom ash can be recycled, create value for society and avoiding environment impact issues
Waste Management - Utilisation Of Solid Waste
- MSW Power / WTE Plant Bottom Ash Treatment
- Construction and Operating of Waste Treatment Plant and Material Recovery Facility ( MRF )
- Recycle and Regeneration of Waste Lubricating Oil